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AS Roma [50]

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In this section is the football form of the Italian football club "Roma" of the last game seasons. Our sports outfit shop has prepared an excellent assortment of training equipment for Romans of recent years: T-shirts, shorts, leggings, all in excellent quality. In this form are the professional players of this Italian club. This club was formed in a rather unusual way: three football teams were unified to confront professional teams from Northern Italy. The union took place in 1927, and the clubs became the donors: "Roman", "Alba-Audace" and "Fortitude-Pro Roma". Since then, the new Club of Rome has become a serious competitor to the best Italian clubs. Even more, in the 1960/61 game season, "Roma" won the cup, preceding the UEFA Cup. A few years later, the Romans conquered the Italian Cup. After that, in the club's career, the calm comes until 1983, when they again won the Cup of Italy. After that, the Italian Cup went to the Romans only in the two thousandth. But several times. Yellow-red football form "Roma" is fascinating. And she is waiting for you in our online stores "Formacenter". "Roma" (Associazione Sportiva Roma) - a football club from Rome, currently playing in the top division of the Italian football championship - "Serie A". Since its founding in 1927, "Roma" practically did not leave this division, and according to the results of the last season of 2015-2016 it takes the third place in the championship. In total, "Roma" won the title three times three times, the last in the 2000-2001 season, nine times won the Italian Cup and two Super Cups. The composition of "Roma" today includes many highly professional players, participants of national football teams of different countries, for example Antonio Rüdiger, defender of the German national team, Bogdan Ionuţ Lobonţ, goalkeeper of the national team of Romania and others. The traditional colors of symbolism and the football form of "Roma" are red and golden yellow. They appeared in the design of the coat of arms and equipment not by chance - they are the colors of the city of Rome. Coloristic decision when creating T-shirts, football shorts and gaiters changed several times. In some years, the players played in white and black soccer pants, and the golfs were also originally black, but then they were replaced by a red color with a strip of yellow. Today, the home football form is red, except for golf - they are white with a yellow stripe on the top. A guest version of the football form was created with the advantage of white color, the traditional colors of "Roma" remind only the stripes on the sides.