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FC Barcelona [44]

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Only in the online store "Formacenter" you can buy a football form FC "Barcelona". At our warehouses there is a form of all the latest football game seasons 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and even 2016-2017. The football uniform, which used to be sold only in Barcelona's club club store, is now also in Russia. Our branches are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. This football club has reached unprecedented heights, "Barcelona" has not even once did not come from the highest Spanish League, the Catalans in its history, won the largest number of football awards, and finally FC "Barcelona" is the only team that has won the six major football competitions in just one year. And the team repeated this unique result again in 2015. And it all began with organized football players of different nationalities, including, of course, the Catalans. This beginning occurred in 1899. Now the blue-pomegranate colors of the shape are recognized even by a seven-year-old boy who is poorly versed in football, because it's shameful not to know such an outstanding team. Our store supports sports interest among the masses and seeks to develop this interest. At us you will find a football form FC "Barcelona" of any size for children and adults. Football club "Barcelona" (Futbol Club Barcelona) - one of the most titled football teams in Europe and around the world. Over 117 years of his history, he managed to win 67 sport trophies of various levels. Without this football club, the Spanish football league is unthinkable. The fans call him "Barso" and proudly wear the football form of the club of the famous "blue-garnet". "Barcelona" was established in the Catalan city of the same name in 1899, and since then the symbols and attributes of the football club have changed greatly. Up until 1910, football players used the arms of the city as their own, thereby emphasizing the close connection with their native Barcelona. And in 1910 a competition was announced for a new symbol belonging directly to the football club, then this team also had a modern coat of arms. But the colors of the football form of the club were always an integral part of the attributes of "Barca". Bright blue-garnet t-shirt, football shorts and football socks became the personification of a successful Spanish football. And for more than a decade this football uniforms "Barcelona," the club is a famous Argentine athlete Lionel Messi (Lionel Andrés Messi), too, has become a symbol of this team. Four times winner of the "Golden Ball" FIFA, world famous and successful, Messi was most famous "blue garnet" worldwide. Of course, the existence of the history of the team, many highly skilled players defended the honor of "Barcelona", leaving the field in the form of a football club - Ronaldo (Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima), Luis Suárez Diaz (Luis Alberto Suárez Díaz) and many others.