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Manchester United FC [68]

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Football kit "Manchester United" is an excellent gift for the future of the football player. In the store of sports equipment "Formacenter" you can inexpensively buy the football form "Manchester United" of the last seasons for your child. However, we can find any size, both for the child and for the adult man.

Red Devils were formed in 1978. At that time they were not even red devils, but the sports team "Newton Heath". Changed the name of the team already in the 20 th century. "United" owns almost the most trophies among British clubs, and the most successful period in the existence of the club is the period from 1986 to 2013 under the leadership of the experienced Sir Alex Ferguson. Under his leadership, the club won, for the first time among English clubs, the European Cup. Until today, the team in search of the same good coach, but so far the attempts fail.

Nevertheless, "Manchester United" is a bright red form, which every fan wants to wear. And in our warehouses there is such a form. There is a football form "Manchester United" 2016-2017, 2015-2016 and 2014-2015 game season. The material from which the mold is made, perfectly ventilates the body, but also retains heat, if the training passes at low temperatures. The fabric perfectly removes moisture from the body area, not allowing the skin to flow around afterwards, but get wet in the form. In addition, our store provides services for applying the game number and surname to the playing shirt. The application is carried out using the latest technology, and keeps on the fabric even after 250 washes. Your child will be very thankful to such a gift. For myself, too, it would not hurt sometimes to make gifts.

The Football Championship of England today can not be imagined without the team of Manchester United Football Club. The football club's history dates from the distant 1878, and then the team was created under the name "Newton Heath (Lancashire and Yorkshire Railways)." Only in 1902 the football club became known to all fans of football as a combination of Manchester United.

Favorable and thoughtful transfers helped to bring players such as Sergio Germán Romero, Argentine goalkeeper David de Gea Quintana, Spain player, Eric Bertrand Bailly ), defender of the national team of Côte d'Ivoire, Zlatan Ibrahimović, former captain of the Swedish national team, and others.

On the football form of the club should be told separately. Its bright design, color scheme and composition are very interesting. Thanks to the appearance of new tissue capabilities, football players have become more comfortable and more comfortable to train and play.

The traditional nickname for the Manchester players given to them by the fans is "red", since this is the main color of the home version of the football form of the club. But constantly in the design of the football form, red appeared only in 1980. And today the players go to the field in red T-shirts and soccer shorts and black gaiters.